Thursday, May 19, 2016

Growing Ginger on farm land - Adarak (Hindi) Ingi (Malyalam)

Botanical Name:- Zingiber Officinale
Family:- Zingiberaceae
Prepare Plant Rhizomes/ ginger seeds
Seeds are available at markets, otherwise collect rhizomes from the Ginger that you buy from market. 
Preparation of soil bed
Prepare the land by ploughing or digging so that the loosened soil could let the ginger root to penetrate deep into the soil. Prepare beds of convenient length. Provide channels between two arrays of soil bed that will help protect from rain water.
Planting method
The best time for planting ginger is during the first fortnight of April, after receipt of pre-monsoon showers.

My Experience 
Planted 100 rhizomes in flat beds, plant started growing in 3 weeks and showed up healthy germination from rhizomes.
My son enjoying the site.
Below image was taken 4 months after plantation.
  • Never plant on waterlogged soil, rhizomes may get decayed.
  • Too much of direct sun is not preferable and supports filtered sunlight.
  • Hard soil and dry climate should be avoided
  • Reduse the usage of fertilizers.
  • Never grow ginger in the same land year after year.

Towards the end of the summer, leaves start getting dried. Avoid watering the bed and let the ground dry out. This helps the plant to form rhizomes and will be ready for harvesting.