Monday, December 12, 2011

Micro Vegetable Farming Plan

This being the first attempt since my intention to extend my research from Organic Roof farming to organic micro farming. The challenge is to supply water at low cost effort and also the land identified for farming is away from where I stay, so visit to farm land would be possible once in a week.

To overcome above challenges , identified micro irrigation as an option, and may have to appoint one person to look after the continuous flow of water from tank to the farm beds.

After couple of research, I could find another option using cell phone to switch on and off motor while sending an SMS  (Text message). In this case I can set up one to control  from my cell phone from Trivandrum and the farm land being at Kannyakumari district in Tamil Nadu which is around 40 Kms of distance.

Planted few mango trees and other herbal plants in the
Filed. I believe that this would provide little shade to
vegetable plants once they are set in farm beds. 

This plant is a herbal one( Malyalam language: Pathimukham),

Drumstick plant, within 2 months it grew up to 1.5 meters in height.

Dry ships of the trunk coat is used while boiling water for drinking purpose.

Leaves looks like tamarind tree leaves.